My works are often colorful and semi-abstract.
Sometimes I love to go wild and throw paint. I also like to be very precise and accurate.
I incorporate these two different styles in my paintings.

On the website you can see a selection of my work. These are digitized versions of my original paintings.
My original works can be seen in my studio/gallery.
Are you interested in a studio visit, a (custom-made) painting or a collaboration?
Digitized works are available in color or black and white on different materials:
Korenbeurs Arnhem
The old cinema on the Korenmarkt in the center of Arnhem is being converted into a food hall, 'De Korenbeurs'. During the renovation, beautiful paintings appeared.
The panels in the ceiling were painted over 100 years ago. Of the 60 panels, 14 were missing.
I have been given the beautiful assignment to fill in those empty spaces by repainting these paintings on empty panels. 14 panels, 2 different paintings.

I am Andrea Trichopoulos. Born and raised in Arnhem, the Netherlands. Growing up I lived with my sister, my Dutch mother and my Greek father (hence the last name). I was very creative when I was little. This faded over time, especially when I went to college. While I was working on my future, I learned that things don't always turn out according to plans. During my study of Psychology at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, I was forced to abandon my plans. I was overwhelmed by extremely painful cluster headache attacks. The unbearable pain and fatigue made the situation feel hopeless, but sometimes a negative event creates a lot of unplanned positivity.
After being labeled "disabled" and being disillusioned without a purpose, I realized how happy I can be when I create artwork. When I met Jacky Zegers, my creativity was stimulated again and a world opened up to me that I probably would never have discovered with my previous plans for the future.

Eight years ago, after various procedures and a long search for the cause, medical specialists in Belgium were able to help me through deep brain stimulation. With electrical pulses 24/7, the pain signals between my spinal cord and brain are disrupted. This system with an internal neurostimulator and battery has made my life a lot more pleasant. Where I used to have about five attacks every day/night, I now have one or two attacks a month with or without collateral damage. A big improvement and on my "good days" I can really enjoy painting; doing what makes me happy and giving me a sense of purpose.
In all my paintings, you will find a minus (-) and a plus (+) sign. For me, this symbolizes the art of turning a negative (-) experience into something positive (+). It has a double meaning for me because I needed a battery (+ -) to make that happen.
Dare to change plans, dare to let go, dare to exceed expectations, dare to do things differently, dare to be happy.
I wish everyone could embrace changes and surprises in life, even if you think you know what you want.
Life is beautiful and it has more to offer than you can imagine.
I am very grateful that I have found my passion and hope to please people with my artwork.
Are you interested in my work and how I make it?
My studio/gallery in Arnhem can be visited by appointment and of course I will keep you informed via social media.

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